December 2023 Recap

Payments API

  • Added bank_account in payment_provider_response when initiating a payment.
  • Credit Account as a feature is now OBSOLETE and replaced by liquidity accounts.
  • Added Payer object to payment initiation for better payer information
Property NameTypeDescription
addressobjectAddress of the payer
emailstring or nullEmail of payer
identityobject or nullProperties for identifying a legal entity
ip_addressstring or nullIP address of payer
namestring or nullName of payer
phone_numberstring or nullPhone number of payer


Property NameTypeDescription
address.citystring or nullCity
address.countrystring or nullTwo letter ISO 3166-2 country code
address.countystring or nullCounty
address.postal_codestring or nullPostal code
address.streetstring or nullStreet

Identity Subobject

Property NameTypeDescription
identity.countrystringTwo letter ISO 3166-2 country code
identity.identifierstringUnique identifier, e.g. personal identification number, organization number
identity.typestringType denoting whether the legal entity is an organization or a person
  • Fixed parsing bugs in the get payment endpoint


During the Autumn we at Ping Payments have been busy redesigning, releasing and migrating our V2 of our KYC tools. This means

  • Better internal management and onboarding of merchants and their underlying entities (individuals, companies, organizations etc)
  • Better AIS experience using a more modern and future proof user interface optimized for a great and smooth account connection experience using both Open Payments and Neonomics as providers of Open Banking integrations. This means we can cover the whole of Nordics when onboarding private individuals to our service.
  • General compliance and KYC data fetching improvements against our third parties that will ensure faster and more accurate assessments on tenants merchants.