Mars 2024 Recap

The March 2024 update for Ping Payments introduces new features for deposit account management, enhanced bank transfer functionalities, the ability to manually connect deposits, and immediate full refunds across multiple currencies, underscoring the platform's commitment to sophisticated, user-friendly financial solutions.

The March 2024 update for Ping Payments introduces new features for deposit account management, enhanced bank transfer functionalities, the ability to manually connect deposits, and immediate full refunds across multiple currencies, underscoring the platform's commitment to sophisticated, user-friendly financial solutions.

Enhancements and Updates

DepositBankAccount Features

  • Accessing DepositBankAccounts
    Users can now retrieve a list of deposit accounts, obtaining comprehensive details to facilitate financial operations. For further exploration, refer to the DepositBankAccounts documentation.

DepositBankAccount Response Data

account_numberBBAN number of the target account
bankgiro_numberBankgiro number of the target account
bicBank identifier code
clearing_numberClearing number for the bank account
currencyAccount currency (SEK, NOK, EUR, GBP, DKK)
ibanIBAN number of the target account
idUnique identifier for the bank account

Bank Transfers Overview

Listing Bank Transfers
Enhanced functionality for listing all transfers made to a deposit account, including a range of query parameters for refined search capabilities. Details can be found in the Bank Transfers documentation.

GetBankTransfers Query Parameters

referenceReference number for the transfer
payment_channelPayment channel used
is_connectedIndicates if the transfer is connected to a payment
from_amountMinimum amount filter for transfers
to_amountMaximum amount filter for transfers
from_booking_dateFilter for the start of the booking date range
to_booking_dateFilter for the end of the booking date range
limitLimits the number of responses
starting_afterPagination parameter for starting point
ending_beforePagination parameter for ending point
ending_before_includingPagination parameter for inclusive ending point

Transfer Object Return Data

_links.current.hrefURL to the current resource
_links.first.hrefURL to the first page of resources to the next page of resources
_links.previous.hrefURL to the previous page of resources
data.amountThe amount of the transfer
data.booking_dateDate when the transfer was booked
data.connectionsArray of objects detailing the connections to payments
data.currencyCurrency of the transfer (SEK, NOK, EUR, GBP, DKK)
data.idUnique identifier for the transfer
data.remittance_informationInformation about the remittance, including payer details
data.value_dateDate when the funds were credited/debited

Manual Connection of Deposits

New feature for manual connection of bankgiro-transfers to PingDepositPayments, addressing transfers that could not be automatically matched. The Connect Deposit Payment documentation offers detailed guidance.

Connect Deposit Payment Parameters

connected_byWho performed the operation
payment_idID of the Payment you wish to connect to the Transfer

Refund Functionality Enhancements

Immediate Full Refunds
Introduction of immediate full refunds for transactions made via cards and Swish, supporting multiple currencies. The process requires specifying a refund reason and optionally, a description. For comprehensive details, see the Refund Payment documentation.

Refund Payment Parameters and Response

reasonReason for the refund (fraudulent, requested_by_customer, other)
descriptionOptional description providing context for the refund
amountAmount of the refund
currencyCurrency of the refund (NOK, SEK, EUR, DKK, GBP)
providerPayment provider used
statusStatus of the refund

This comprehensive update signifies Ping Payments' ongoing commitment to enhancing its platform, offering more sophisticated, user-friendly financial